Whaia te iti kahu rangi! Reach for the stars!

Whaia te iti kahu rangi! Reach for the stars! Whaia te iti kahu rangi! Reach for the stars! Whaia te iti kahu rangi!

Caine's Arcade Part 2

Do you remember watching Caine's Cardboard Arcade? I found a video showing what has happened since Caine's Arcade discovery! Check it out and get creative these holidays!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Book Dating! Love Books!

On Tuesday we went book dating with Room 22!
We spent 30 seconds at each table, which was filled with brand new, shiny books, and we had first dibs! Thank you Ms Hill! We are so lucky to have you!

Mason said the best part was dumping the books he didn't want!
Olivia said it was great getting to choose new books and not have to put them on reserve!

Aki's Four Leaf Clover Luck

Aki was out searching one lunch hour and look what she found!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Global Children's Challenge

How are you getting on with the Global Children's Challenge during the holidays?
How many steps are you achieving on average during the holidays, and how does this compare to the number of steps during school time?

Yesterday I achieved my personal best!
When I went to bed my pedometer read 22114! 
I have to admit I am very proud of myself!
What is your personal best?

I hope you are all enjoying a fun filled, relaxing holiday.
See you all soon!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Guinness Book of World Records 2013!

For all those Guinness Book of World Records fans, you will love to have a sneak peek at the 2013 edition! You will find such things as, the world's tallest dog, the world's tallest mohawk, a human Pop-eye, and the world's largest drum kit! WOW! Read the article at Dogo News and also watch the video clips.