Whaia te iti kahu rangi! Reach for the stars!

Whaia te iti kahu rangi! Reach for the stars! Whaia te iti kahu rangi! Reach for the stars! Whaia te iti kahu rangi!

Caine's Arcade Part 2

Do you remember watching Caine's Cardboard Arcade? I found a video showing what has happened since Caine's Arcade discovery! Check it out and get creative these holidays!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Principal Awards! Term 2 Week 3!

We have had three students step up and reach out in Room 23! Woohooo!

For being Resolute! Josh, you have had a tremendously positive attitude! You have persevered with your broken arm and not let it get you down! Awesome stuff! (Yay! Pink for you!)

For being Responsible! Nick you have been settling well down to work, and have been pro-active with your free writing! Super!

For being Resolute! Kiah, you have been stepping up and reaching out during our concept discussions! It has been wonderful having you contribute to our class discussions! Fab work, keep it up!

Ka Mau Te Wehi!

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